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What Do You Want Your Life to Be Like?


For many years I was not satisfied with my life due to plenty of reasons. I was terribly unfit because of too little exercise and unhealthy food. I was stressed, anxious and angry because I did not have hope that great things will happen to me. I was making my life more and more complex trying to constantly do more things every day to quickly find the meaning of life.

Around 10 years ago, at the certain point in my mid-twenties, I realized that everything what I had been doing so far had not really produced positive results in my life. I felt like I was repeating the same activities over and over again without actually feeling happier or more fulfilled. I was doing things because I was used to doing them for years as a teenager.

So, I decided to take things in my own hands and figure out what I want from life, what I want my life to be, and what I want the world I live in to look like. I began to make small improvements in my daily routine that yielded unexpected benefits in my quality of life

Happy. Before, I was not happy with my life. I felt dissatisfied with grades at school, negative thoughts, critical attitude towards life, not doing anything meaningful in my free time. But, I decided to change. Now, I want to be happy, so I find happiness in little things instead of staying in bad mood for days. 

Healthy. Before, I had unhealthy diet. I used to drink lots of soft drinks every day and eat fast food a couple of times a week. I did not eat enough green vegetables and fruits. Sodas and burgers tasted way better than spinach and cucumbers. But, I decided to change. Now, I want to be healthy, so I eat more healthy things and drink lots of pure water.

Good looking. Before, I did not like my body. Due to excessive belly fat and puffy face, I did not like myself when looking at myself in the mirror. I did not have any lean muscles whatsoever. I wonder whether I had any muscles at all at that time. But, I decided to change. Now, I want my body to be more athletic, so I exercise regularly.

Good. Before, I was a bad person. In many situations, I was pretending that I am doing something good, while deeply in my heart I felt that my actions were not right. Also, I was getting angry way too often saying horrible things I later regretted. But, I decided to change. Now, I want my life to be full of only good things, so I minimize the number of bed behaviors.

Full of great memories. 
Before, I was doing things I did not enjoy like partying hard despite that fact that loud music is harmful for my ears, or watching TV dramas for the whole day. But, I decided to change. Now, I want to do interesting things, so I spend more time on hobbies: exercising outdoors, reading books, and working on writing and designing this website.

Filled with great people. 
Before, when I was a teenager, I hung out with boys and girls I did not like very much. We were not true friends, but we just tried to impress one another by doing stupid things like drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. As a result, I did not spent enough time with my parents, or visit regularly grandparents. But, I decided to change. Now, I want my life to be fulfilled with people I feel comfortable being around and the loved ones I care about. 

I am still not completely satisfied with every aspect of my life, but I try to improve every day. 

I hope that my website can show millions of people around the world that they can change their lives too. That is why I vastly share my own experiences on how I have changed the things which I did not like in my life. Second, to stay motivated by recalling my life in the past life and comparing with what the current one looks like after the positive changes.

I was able to turn my life around from ‘I hate my life.’ to ‘This is the life I want to have.’ despite the fact that I am not a superhero. Neither of us is. Remember that I am not a professional athlete, certified dietitian or a sociology professor. But, I read a lot about healthy living and becoming a good person. Then I apply the knowledge I gained from other smart people into my own life mixing it with learning from my mistakes. 

That is why I believe that if I could change my life for better, you can too. So join me. Together we can improve quality of our lives, and slowly change world to be a better place. 

Why helping people to improve instead of just writing about businesses?

I wish for everyone on earth to live in the world where people are intrinsically good and only do the right things in the right way. In short, where everyone and everything is good.

I am not a famous philosophy professor (but I enjoy reading moral philosophy very much), or a world-renowned sustainability scientist. Although I have studied business management in college, including theories and methods of quality management, I have never taken any academic courses covering what I want my life to be, the topic I daily think and write about. I do try to read to learn from different areas of science and humanities in my free time though.

However, what I am really passionate about is the love for improving my own quality of life, trying to become a better person and living more meaningful life. I hope that after my inspirations you can also work hard on living being, being honest with yourself and with others, behave reasonably and responsibly, do not exploit resources, care for the environment.

This website is really about helping people to live a better-managed life in the fast-paced world that is becoming dangerously detrimental to our physical and mental health, and long-term happiness. The modern lifestyle, let’s be honest, is heavily dominated by consumptionism and the dominance of corporations which often overuse business rules for wrong purposes – confuse people what is right and wrong, present the wrong things in beautified ways. 

Every day people buy products they do not really need because they saw those products being promoted on the TV or the Internet by someone who they do not personally know. 

Why do they do that?’, you might ask. 

Very often because people want to impress someone else they do not really care about instead of focusing on fulfilling their own essential needs and non-essential but desirable wants. People mistakenly think that by trying to impress someone else, whom they do not really care about, they are doing the right thing. It is far away from the truth.

The right thing would be to care about themselves, family members, friends, other people, living animals and the world. 

I believe that small adjustments in daily routines of millions of people can make big changes globally. That is why with Super Business Manager I try to bring into one place everything that is good for both mind, spirit and the body. I wish to make it easier for people to do the right things every day and focus on what truly matters in our lives.

The brand name of this website is simply a way of reminding myself to try to live the life of my own choices. The life that I really want it to be – filled with great people, high-quality products, cool moments and beautiful memories, being simply meaningful, full of good behaviors and actions taken both by me and the society I am living in. Simple, the life super-managed.

Super Business Manager promotes the way of life where people slow down to think and contemplate instead of rushing, enjoy simplicity instead of getting lost in the clutter, stay healthier thanks to regular exercise, work smarter and find work-life balance, become more mindful so that they can make reasonable decisions, start their own businesses to follow their passions, keep balance which is important for functioning properly and peace of mind, live closer to nature following its laws, do not feel worse than others who say ‘my way of life is better because I own more things’.

That is all, and that is enough to have great life. That is why I want everyone to be a Super Manager of their own life.

Why writing about life management?

This online project is not something that I have started under the influence of a moment. The decision to share my discoveries on – how we can improve quality of our lives through using business tools, theories and techniques, how to practice reasonable and healthy lifestyle, as well as my personal beliefs on how to be good and do the right things – has taken me over 10 years to formulate.

I carefully observe the contemporary world every day and see how people act in their daily lives. And I came up with the conclusions that many things that I consider as valuable in life have started disappearing. 

Quality of life in the modern world, especially in big metropolitan areas, is deteriorating. All the things that are good for human body like fruits and vegetables, and good for mind like clean natural environment to relax, things that are supposed to be widely available for anyone anywhere in the world, are slowly becoming extinct. 

The daily life of people is becoming more and more dominated by profits earner by a small group of people who control majority of the resources on earth, rather than focused on well-being of the whole society. Very often arguments and conflicts win over cooperation and bad habits prevail over good behaviors. 

In particular, when writing about life management, I want to:

Share good business knowledge. I want to collect in one place all the useful information on high quality of life, good business practices, being a good person and achieving happiness. I want to do it both for my own use and to share with anyone interested in those kind of topics anywhere in the world. I want to give everyone an equal chance of making life changes by improving small things to live better than yesterday.

Change the world from poorly-managed to well-managed. My priority is to give millions of people another perspective and more useful tools to make the change happen. So, people can see the world in many different ways. Promoting consumerism to influence viewers long enough to make them spend money on unhealthy and unnecessary things is not necessarily the good thing to do. 

Make meaning. I want to make meaning by warning people about healthy and unhealthy things before it is too late – before people start getting sick. I want to help people make more mindful decisions in daily life by using business practices. I wish to change the unethical ways in which some companies operate, hence influence how managers make decisions. I also want to focus on humanity rather than just profits. Simply, I want to help people distinguish good from bad both in the business world and in private life. 

I do what I do because I want to influence people to change the world from fast to slow, from polluted to clean, from wrongful to righteous, from distracted to focused, from loud to quiet, from ugly to pretty, from stupid to smart. I do what I do because I believe that one day my efforts will pay off. 

There is a countless number of small things in us and around us that we can do better. It will result in making a big difference. With only little effort, we can tremendously improve our quality of life as well as do good things to others, society and nature.