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Watching Less TV


Watch less TV. I stopped watching TV around 10 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life. I gave up on television right after finishing the graduate school.

I was not earning a lot of money at that time, so neither I wanted to spend any money on a fancy TV set, nor to pay a monthly TV fee for something that did not bring much value into my life. 

I used to watch TV every day when I was studying business journalism in the graduate school. I watched mostly news channels like CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, Russia TV or CCTV. I was pushing myself to stay informed of what happens around the world. My mind was constantly occupied with hundreds of events from different countries, people’s faces, their tragedies and victories.

A few months after deciding to start living without the TV set in my first rented apartment, I realized that I actually do not miss it a lot. 

I also realized that I do not really have to watch every news cycle. Because the information I was receiving not only was not quite related to my personal life, nor were the TV channels helping to dramatically improve quality of my daily life. All the news I watched were mostly reports on random people whom I have never even met, nor have anything to do with. 

Instead of spending more time with people around me, I was wasting lots of attention on people I personally did not know. 

After so many years of living without the TV, I do not miss it at all. I have more free time to think about how to improve quality of life, my sight is not getting worse as fast as when I watched lots of TV, and the utility bills are lower. Now, instead of watching TV every day, I prefer to read books and personal finance blogs, exercise outdoors, write about business management and cook to entertain myself. 

All in all, my life without watching TV is actually better. And, I am going to continue living that way.