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Use Money Smartly Because Money Matters


You can feel very lucky, if neither you nor your family members are poor. You can feel blessed to have enough money not to worry about the next few years of your life. Because at the end of the day, one of the biggest factors that contributes toward quality of your life is having a stable economic situation.

But, in order to possess enough money, it requires a lot of hard work, making responsible purchasing choices, and of course, a few sacrifices to save money. I always recommend to spend on things that you truly need (and put the rest of your income aside) rather than being tempted by urgent desires remaining oblivious. No matter what, always spend less than you earn. Otherwise, you are going to end up in debt. 

You can also choose to live frugally spending mostly on necessities, if you need to save some money quickly. And saving money is great! Even though you will not become very rich fast in this way by penny-pinching every month, you can use available cash to at least put your mind at ease. And having peace of mind these days is precious. You will secure peace of mind for yourself and stability for your family. And, you will never have to worry about the future anymore, at least your financial future.

Or, you can just simply spend on something you like, for example, fresh seafood dinner or a new bike.

Some people tend to say that money does not matter in life. They raise other things like love, health and happiness to a higher rank. But, neglecting how important money is in our daily lives, is simply irresponsible. First, we need to fulfill our basic needs before we can even start fulfilling higher-level needs like belonging needs or self-esteem needs – that is how Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs work. 

Will you really keep on claiming that you do not care about money, if you cannot afford to pay your expensive medical bills? Or, what about, if you have the empty wallet hence not being able to feed your children dinner tonight? Well, that is quite a dramatic example, isn’t it?

Never say that money does not matter because it simply is not true. Having enough money by spending our paychecks responsibly, makes our lives easier and more secure. Money solves many problems these days, as simple as that.  

Feel truly lucky, if you have enough money. And remember to use money smartly to pursue happiness because both cash, love, health and family are equally important to achieve life of high quality.