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Treat Failure as a Learning Opportunity


Reframe failure, so that each time you fail, even in a little way, you change it from a bad thing into an opportunity to learn.

Why is it important to turn failures into learning opportunities?

Failure is not the end of something — It is just one of the steps in the beginning. Too often we take failure as a sign that we suck, but in truth it is an important part of the learning process.

Did you fail at your last project? Fail to be on time for something? Fail to make your spouse happy? Fail at one of the business classes at the university, at reading a business book, at learning a language? These are all great opportunities to learn.

Get good at failing, and you will get great at learning. You will get good at creating good habits, at managing your business, at parenting, at eating healthy food, at daily life, etc.

How to learn from failures?

  1. Notice anytime you fail at something, no matter how small. Also think about recent failures from a variety of personal activities.
  2. Notice whether you internalize the failures, as a sign that you are not good enough. I always have this problem with low self esteem. If you do, reject that idea. It is not true.
  3. Instead, see what you can learn from the failure. Instead of thinking of it as failure, see it as information. What caused the failure? What can be changed? Take notes. This is really valuable information.

I highly recommend that you keep this idea in mind after this week. It is an important shift in mindset.