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The Only 2 Ways to Lose Weight


Living high quality of life is not only about improving your financial situation. Despite material well-being being one of the most important criteria for life satisfaction, being physically fit is equally important.

The two problems why so many people gain weight and quality of their lives deteriorates is that they eat more every day than their bodies need to function properly. 

I had the same problem as many of you. I ate lots of junk food and drank too many soft drinks. Neither I had time to exercise regularly (this was the excuse I was telling myself over and over again). But when you realize that your body stops functioning well (e.g. excessive sweating, skin irritations, being constantly tired, etc.), you may want to lose weight to improve quality of life.

I was not very obese even though I was eating lots of sweet snacks, but I had excessive fat around my lower abdomen which I wanted to get rid of. Looking at myself in the mirror was not a pleasant experience. I expected to see a good and strong body made of lean muscles rather than caring extra kilograms of redundant fat.

So, in order to change and live better, I have started reading online about different ways to lose weight. I browsed through hundreds of websites where different bloggers share their own experiences putting together step-by-step guides how to lose weight. I have also read a bunch of professional articles written by fitness coaches and looked up research papers published by health advisers to various sports teams around the world.

To save you the amount of time that I have spent on educating myself about losing weight, here is the wisdom. There are only two real ways to lose weight. Everything else including fancy diet plans and magical pills are no more than just tricky advertising scams, and this is not what good marketing is all about. Do not believe people who try to sell you snake oil. The real marketing is an art and there are only a few people in the world really good at marketing who work for world’s best companies such as Google, Durex, Starbucks, Coca Cola or Disney

1. The first way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn every day. To start with, eat more healthy food including green vegetables, whole grains and sour fruits instead of food full of ‘bad carbohydrates’ (filled with calories that have no nutritional value), for example, sugar, bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, white rice, candies, sodas or puddings.

2. The second way to lose weight is to be more active every day. Go out and have a walk, run, swim, hike, bike, climb the stairs, play ball with your friends. Any activity that makes you sweat works just fine.

After implementing the above two ways to lose weight into my healthy lifestyle over the last several years, I was able to burn excessive fat around my abdomen and got in shape overall. These tips are quite easy and I am sure will work for you too.

If you can slowly change your diet into eating healthy foods and exercise more, you will have weight loss over time, and be much healthier in the long run.