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The Magic of Forest


The fresh air of the forest will put you on your feet.

For those of you who are beach animals, when spending time in the forest, you will feel almost as good as when strolling by the seaside feeling cool breeze touching your face. And for those of you who naturally prefer trees over sand, the pleasure of spending time in the woods will be just a pure joy, especially at times when clean air is becoming scarce.

However, for anyone who ever wondered, if it is worth to spend time in the woods, I decided to collect all the information about the benefits of spending time in the forest.

1. You will find peace in the forest. The noise of hundreds of trees will allow you to focus, calm you down and you will be more patient. The smell of trees is also incredibly soothing and invigorating. Walk slowly through, listen and breathe.

2. Spending time in the woods, contemplating nature, observing plants and animals, will help you to relax your mind. Because forests are reinforcing environments.

3. Trees have the ability to heal daily problems. It is not a joke. People who spend most of their times surrounded by at least 11 trees more than the average person, for example for those who have a house near by the forest, are less likely to suffer from metabolic or cardiovascular diseases.

4. In the forest, we learn a respect for nature, how to properly behave and how to get along with natural environment. For example, trees do not give us any reasons to hit them while we may have a desire to hit other people when we are angry, do they? Even though we once kick a tree, the tree is not going to kick back. Why would we kick that tree in the first place though? Should we litter in the forest? Trees do not litter. Should we scream out loud? The bushes do not.

5. The forest will help you to fight stress. A person who often walks among the trees is less prone to thinking about negative things, hence is more positive and satisfied with life.

6. Thanks to walking in the woods, we burn body fat and strengthen our muscles. It is also a great exercise for kids. And forests are for free!

7. The forest stimulates the development of children. They can find the specific examples of plants or animals of which they are taught in schools or read in children books. It is being proven that children find it easier to remember what they see with their own eyes and when they experience something by themselves.

8. A walk in the woods is the best way to efficiently gain Vitamin D which makes us feel even more satisfied and healthy. Vitamin D can help to prevent osteoporosis, reduces risk of death, has anticancer properties and lowers depression symptoms.

9. There is no denying that the forest is a deep well of pure oxygen, the healthiest thing for our lungs.

10. Plants kill bacteria. The natural environment gives off substances such as sulphides, cysteine sulfoxides, garlic oil, which can fight various bacteria, fungus, as well as disinfect your skin. This is why, when you have longer-than-usual walks in the forest, you may recover from certain diseases like the common cold without antibiotics. If you take Traditional Chinese Medicine into consideration, which has been practiced for over a few thousand years, it includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and dietary therapy.

After just a few hours of staying in the forest, no matter if you go there for a long walk or just for picking up mushrooms, you will immediately feel a positive effect of clean air for your body. Come back to the forest often, and always care for nature.

It is magical.