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The 7 Needs We All Have in Common as People


In this world, there are certain needs we all have in common as human beings. These common needs are the same for all the people. These needs exist no matter where we are born, where we live, where we will go, how rich or poor we are, or how well-educated or how poorly-educated we become. 

Needs we all have in common + the objective truth

The common things for people are linked with existence of the objective truth. The objective truth something the same for everyone. The universal knowledge that does not depend on context or culture, but equally well applies to all situations. 

The reason why I like objective truth so much is that nobody can get away from it. People can hide it deep down under a bunch of sweet words. Manipulate it by adding colorful descriptions. Downplay it by pretending to be stronger than others. Or even give themselves the right to rule the world. But, the universal truth will never cease to exist. 

What we need to do in order to realize how things really are in the world, we just need to start finding objective truths in our daily life. We need to do it in order to discover true nature of a person or a situation. 

We can tell that something is common for all people, if it exists anywhere in the world, has always been there, is widely known by a lot of different people and cannot be changed or removed.

The list of needs we all have in common

To make it easier to understand, I am writing down the list of needs we all have in common as the human race. They are partially based on the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I took the liberty to improve the hierarchy a little bit upon Abraham Maslow.


We all have to fulfill psychological and biological needs such as having the air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, shelter to protect ourselves, warmth to stay alive, sex to procreate and sleep to rest. 


We all want to feel safe and secure. We want our lives to be stable without any dangerous situations threatening our bodies, souls and minds. To distinguish good from bad, we need objective laws obeyed by all people. We want to be treated fairly, and if we do more, we want to be rewarded accordingly. 


We have love and belongingness needs. We want to love and feel loved, have friends with whom we spend time and who care about us. Having a complete family and romantic relationship is crucial to happiness.


We all want to have self-esteem, feel good about ourselves, be honest and feel respected by others. This one of the reasons why people who quit their full-time jobs start their own companies engaging in a profession or a hobby they are passionate about. They do it because they want to gain internal recognition. We all want to create something that we feel good about. We also want to achieve something to gain prestige in front of others.


We have cognitive needs to acquire knowledge. That is why there are so many old people singing up for continuing education courses at the universities. Every day, we want to learn something new, acquire new skills, challenge what we already know, try to find better ways to do things. We also want to get better and better at things we like because those things make us satisfied. That is why people pursue hobbies – learn how to paint, go fishing or collect stamps. I read and collect business books for example.


We all have aesthetic needs which make us go to visit museums from time to time to search for beauty. We also want to achieve balance, spend more time with our family as we grow older to collect beautiful memories. 


We strive to achieve self-actualization needs. People care about realizing their full potential, as well as care for the welfare of humanity. Directors and CEOs seek fulfillment and personal growth by trying new things instead of following safe paths. In the end, many of us finally decide to help others to self-actualize – to become better, to minimize bad things replacing them with good actions. We take responsibility not only for ourselves, but also for others and their lives. We want to empower others.

In conclusions, it is quite obvious that there are a lot of needs that are common for each and every one of us as a person. Once we fulfill our physiological and biological needs, we want more, and more, and more.

Those seven needs which we all have in common existed in the past, exist today, and will definitely exist in the future. And, that is so magical about the objectivism and the objective truth. The human needs belong to the objective truth.