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Successful Strategies for Sharing Corporate Culture


Business leaders have a huge influence on sharing corporate culture. This ultimately means that organizational culture influences all employees within the business organization.

How to share corporate culture?

Here are some strategies to successfully share corporate culture both internally and externally.


  1. Have the vision. As a leader, know where the business wants to be. Without that knowledge, it will be impossible and pointless trying to guide and motivate staff. Share stories about the corporate vision through company newsletters, blogs, or internal podcasts that showcase how employees have lived the company values in their work. Encourage employees to share their own stories as well.
  2. Communicate the values. Communicating the vision along with the desired culture to all employees of the organization, so that everybody can move in the same direction championing the same values. Identify employees who consistently embody the company culture and recognize their contributions. 
  3. Engage and excite all employees. The desired corporate culture must be engaging and exciting for the workers. Empower others to help to shape the organizational culture. This can be done through public acknowledgment, awards, or even bonus incentives.
  4. Mentor others. Leaders act as mentors by sharing knowledge and expertise about corporate values helping people to create a healthy organizational culture. This also helps to build trust within the business and establish rapport with workers.
  5. Be a role model. Effective leaders lead by example to mold others in the organization. Executives and leaders should actively embody the company values and behaviors you want to cultivate. This means being transparent, collaborative and open to feedback can drive and develop the desired culture.
  6. Invest in onboarding and training. Ensure new hires are thoroughly onboard with the company culture through dedicated training programs and mentorship opportunities.
  7. Make feedback a core practice. Encourage employees to openly share feedback on the company culture and how it can be improved. Conduct regular surveys and use the feedback to make changes.


  1. Craft a strong employer brand. Showcase your company culture on your careers page, social media, and any other employer branding materials. Highlight employee testimonials and stories that illustrate the unique aspects of your culture.
  2. Engage with communities. Participate in industry events, volunteer opportunities, and other community activities that align with your company values. This shows potential employees and customers what your company stands for.
  3. Share customer successes. Show how your company culture translates into positive experiences for your customers. Share customer testimonials and success stories that demonstrate how your values are put into practice.
  4. Use social media strategically. Share authentic glimpses into your company culture on social media. This could include photos of team events, employee spotlights or behind-the-scenes looks at your workplace.

In summary, effective business leaders must have qualities such as vision, communication and influence in order to develop the knowledge, skills and values among staff members to shape the desired corporate culture.