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Strengthening Immune System


These solutions to improve our immune system are commonly known, but definitely worth remembering.

1. Stay outdoors for at least 30 minutes because UV rays from the sun trigger Vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

2. Work out several times a week offering your mind a portion of endorphins and satisfaction. Running is a great exercise.

3. Remember about eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Root vegetables of all sorts, such as potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, rutabagas and celery root are great during cold weather.

4. Eat sprouts because they are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, amino-acids and proteins. 

5. Eat apples.

6. Grow and eat parsley often.

7. Eat honey, if you are not allergic to it. You can add honey to your lemon water in the morning.

8. Eat garlic by adding it to the meat and vegetables.

9. Eat pickles. Korean kimchi is awesome.

10. Bear in mind your intestines and do not succumb to temptation to eat unhealthily.

11. Use warming spices such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, chili pepper.

12. Do not avoid staying outdoors!

13. Reduce the amount of stress to a minimum.

14. Care about having enough high-quality rest, especially sleeping well. Do not go to bed with your phone or computer. Do not watch TV in bed.

15. Stay away from addictive substances such as as alcohol, white sugar, cigarretes, drugs.

16. Drink herbal teas.

Simply enjoy your life!

Let’s keep our immune system strong because weakened body is susceptible to various diseases.