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Stop Talking. Start Doing. Take Action


To get things done, we must not only talk about what we want to achieve, but also take action. Talking without doing will not bring desirable results. Without taking action, we will not achieve our goals. 

Imagine that I only keep on saying over and over again about starting a website about business management that I want to create. I repeat every day that I have many great ideas of how to help companies and their managers around the world to improve their businesses. I only dream that one day I will influence others, so we can together change the world into a better place – better-managed world. If I only told you those things, but never actually started up that project, it would not matter after all. 

Talking is great to create certain reality that we want other people to believe in and live by, to encourage, convince others or to persuade them. But, if we want to create real impact, we need to start creating stuff, good stuff.

That is where actions come in handy. In the contrary to just saying empty words, doing is the action when we deal with matter and its physical resistance. Actions are not easy because they take lots of time, effort and energy to be accomplished with desirable results. 

And to do things successfully, we must plan and then implement our plan step by step. We must start and stop certain actions, repeat boring performances many times and be consistent until we finally achieve what we are happy with. If I realized after publishing the first 10 stories that writing about business is actually not easier than doing any other desk job, I might discontinue doing it. Editing each post seems like a mundane job which takes hours to finish. But I have not stopped. 

And when you visit as of today, you can see almost 100 amazing posts published already. I do my job consistently – publish day after day. And at the end of each day, I feel fulfillment from the job well done. 

Even though doing by taking action is definitely way more difficult than talking about that action, let’s try to take actions more often in our everyday life to create something great. Or even better, let’s be thinkers, talkers and doers. Only in this way, we can truly make a meaningful change happen.