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Small Things That Make Me Ultimately Happy


Small things. Each of us has favorite things, rituals, activities and habits which we like doing no matter what. No matter where we are, those things, which I call ‘comfort things’, provide a nostalgic and sentimental feeling that can easily make us happy every day.

Some people have to buy expensive apartments and cars to satisfy their desires, while others have learned how to be happy with as little as a piece of dark chocolate or a short walk with the best friend.

Here is the list of small things that make me ultimately happy:

Running outdoors. I love running during sunny mornings in the nearby parks. Every time before going for a jog, I treat myself with a glass of warm water with a couple of beautiful chunks of fresh lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit.

Blue sky. Because of heavy pollution in the recent years in China, seeing cloudless blue sky in many Chinese cities is true blessing. Hopefully things are getting much better and China is facing less and less pollution. I grew up in the beautiful countryside in Central Europe where I was fortunate to experience blue skies every day, therefore every time I see a blue sky, my mind brings up happy memories of the past.

The banana smoothie. It is my love at first sip. I also make smoothies with other tropical fruits like mango and papaya. However, nothing in the world beats the energetic banana-flavored shake.

Tasting exotic fruits for the first time. I have discovered this positive addiction during my first trip to my wife’s hometown and my current home in Zhanjiang in Southern China. My favorite tropical fruits include jackfruits, lychees and star fruits.

Creating. Creating a better place to live for myself and my family, for example, creating this website about business management, life management, quality of life, learning how to be good, sticking to healthy lifestyle. Creating new things that make me happy and helping others do likewise is joyful.

The feeling of not being in a hurry. In addition to the banana smoothie and tasting tropical fruits, having enough free time, especially in the morning, is one of the best small things that makes my day. I do not like rushing, but prefer to embrace a chance to stop for a while to contemplate the meaning of my life.

Order in the kitchen. It seems trivial, but seeing empty, clean sink in the morning is blissful. With clean kitchen, you do not have to worry about welcoming a new day with making your hands dirty cleaning greasy plates the first thing after opening your eyes.

Visiting a bookstore. I love bookstores where I could spend the whole day, every day. Bookstores are amazing places not only to buy books, but just to hang around checking literature.

As you can see, the list of my happy things and activities is quite short and simple. How do you make yourself satisfied every day? Are you one of those people who need to buy a new house, car or handbag to feel ultimately happy with your life?