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Simply About Division of Labor


Division of labor means breaking down different aspects of a job or task and assigning different people to each particular part of the work. Hence, people, or group of people, who specialize in different tasks and skills, will concentrate on the task or skill at which they are best.

Because different workers have different knowledge and experience, they specialize in doing only the work they are the best at. Since each worker is now specializing, they become far more efficient and this increases the productivity of labor. Division of labor in the production process improves efficiency and output.

Labor specialization is now commonplace in the workplace and is an important part of production. In business, the production of a product requires several workers. Production is divided into separate tasks among workers who each concentrate on a limited range of tasks. Instead of workers producing one product from start to finish, they focus on just one of those tasks, one skill. The production of a product now requires several workers, each using their unique skill.

For example, a business management teacher at the international school only teaches business classes instead of teaching both business, biology, computer science or psychology.