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S-Commerce (Social Commerce) refers to the use of social networks and social media tools to support and encourage E-commerce transactions.

S-Commerce enables consumers to obtain advice from trusted individuals, find goods and services based on other people’s recommendations and then purchase them online.

Examples of S-Commerce include customer ratings and reviews, user recommendations and referrals, social shopping tools (sharing the act of shopping online), forums and communities, social media optimization and social advertising.

Social media optimization refers to the use of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, brand or event. Social media optimization includes using RSS feeds, social news and bookmarking sites, as well as social media sites, such as Twitter, and video and blogging sites.

F-Commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods or services either through Facebook directly or through Facebook Open Graph.

T-Commerce uses Twitter posts to highlight popular products, price changes and new product arrivals,

In short, the social networks that spread this advice have the function of increasing the customer’s trust in one retailer over another.