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Promotion Mix: Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)


Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) is a marketing strategy that combines both Above-the-Line (ATL) and Below-the-Line (BTL) marketing strategies.

In a business world, Above-the-Line (ATL) marketing strategies are typically used to build brand awareness and reach a large audience while Below-the-Line (BTL) marketing strategies are used to generate leads and sales.

Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) marketing strategies combine the best of both worlds by using a variety of channels to reach a wider audience and achieve a variety of marketing goals.

Definition of Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)

Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) refers to promotional strategies that involve both Above-The-Line Promotion (ATL) methods and Below-The-Line Promotion (BTL) methods.

It is increasingly common for businesses to use an integrated approach involving both Above-The-Line Promotion (ATL) and Below-The-Line Promotion (BTL) promotional strategies. This is because each method of promotion has its own advantages and limitations.

The important thing to pay attention to is to select the mixture of promotional methods that best suits the organization’s particular needs and those of its customers.

Benefits of using Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)

Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) benefits from the advantages of both Above-The-Line Promotion (ATL) and Below-The-Line Promotion (BTL) promotional methods by delivering marketing messages with a wide reach yet with focused customer engagements. This helps with brand visibility (getting brand noticed and recognized) and brand recall (reminding customers of the benefits of the brand).

This approach to promoting products allows customers to engage with the company, brand or product in multiple ways such as Television advertising, radio advertising, direct sales, social media platforms, during a sponsored event or trade show, etc. Hence, Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) enables an integrated marketing approach with a consistent message across multiple platforms to inform, remind and persuade customers to purchase the product.

Using an Above-The-Line Promotion (ATL) or Below-The-Line Promotion (BTL) technique in isolation is unlikely to be effective. Different methods can be used to deliver a slightly different but reinforcing message about the product.

Factors to consider when using Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)

In devising a Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) promotional strategy, marketers consider a combination of factors such as:

  • Cost. Although TV advertising has the highest potential reach, it is also the most expensive method. Promotion on the Internet is relatively cheap which is a key reason why it has grown in popularity. Businesses often consider the Cost per Head when selecting the most appropriate methods of promotion.

Cost per Head = Cost of promotion / Audience size

  • Product. Certain products are suited to a particular type of promotion. For instance, personal selling is highly suitable for selling insurance services, financial planning and wealth management services. However, fashion magazines are relevant media platforms for new movies or new model cars could be promoted on television and in specialist magazines.
  • Product Life Cycle (PLC). The promotion methods used are dependent on the product’s position in its life cycle. During the launch stage, there will be extensive promotion to get the product noticed and established in the market. During the decline stage, promotion may be withdrawn as the business focuses on marketing new products instead.
  • Legislation. Rules and regulations can prevent certain products such as tobacco, drugs or alcohol from being promoted in certain media platforms such as on television. This means that alternative forms of promotion are required.
  • Technology. Technological advances, such as social media marketing, have significantly broadened the opportunities available to businesses to extend their promotional strategies and intensified the use of Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) techniques in order to increase brand awareness, build brand recognition and develop brand loyalty.

Example of Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) promotion

For most products, a combination of Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) methods is used as the part of the organization’s promotional strategy.

When promoting a new movie, the Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) promotional methods might include the use of:

Television. To show trailers and teasers of the new movie.
Radio. To raise awareness and excitement as well as to inform people about the release dates.
Outdoor advertising. Using large outdoor posters and billboards to promote the movie.
Newspapers. To support the above methods and to show screening times at local cinemas.
Internet. To launch a dedicated website to provide detailed information about the movie, the cast, director and producers, as well as other online platforms such as YouTube.
Cinema. To show trailers of the new movie at the cinema which is point of sale.

Advantages of Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)

Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) offers many advantages to a business organization including:

  1. Increased reach. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) can help businesses reach a wider audience by using a variety of channels.
  2. Improved brand awareness. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) can help businesses build brand awareness by using a variety of channels to reach a wider audience.
  3. Increased lead generation. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) can help businesses generate leads by using a variety of channels to reach a wider audience.
  4. Increased sales. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) can help businesses increase sales by using a variety of channels to reach a wider audience.
  5. Improved customer loyalty. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) can help businesses improve customer loyalty by using a variety of channels to reach a wider audience.

Disadvantages of Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)

However, Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) has drawbacks for businesses.

  1. High cost. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) strategies are more expensive than either Above-The-Line Promotion (ATL) or Below-The-Line Promotion (BTL) methods alone. It is because businesses need to invest in a variety of marketing channels. For this reason, it is normally preferred by larger and more established businesses and financially secure organizations.
  2. Complexity. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) strategies can be complex to manage, as businesses need to coordinate their marketing efforts across a variety of channels.
  3. Measurability issues. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) strategies can be difficult to measure, as businesses need to track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts across a variety of channels.
  4. Time commitment. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) strategies can be time-consuming, as businesses need to develop and implement marketing campaigns across a variety of channels.

Additional tips before launching Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)

Here are some additional tips for businesses that are considering using Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL)  strategies. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success:

TIP1: Set clear goals for your promotional campaign. Before you start planning your Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL), it is important to set clear goals for what you want to achieve. This will help you to focus your efforts and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

TIP2: Choose the right channels. Not all marketing channels are created equal. It is important to choose the channels that are most likely to reach your target audience and achieve your goals.

TIP3: Create a promotional budget. Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) strategies can be expensive. It is important to create a budget and stick to it.

TIP4: Track your results. It is important to track the results of your Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) marketing campaigns so that you can see what is working and what is not. This will help you to improve your campaigns over time.

In summary, Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) marketing strategies are becoming increasingly popular as businesses look for ways to reach a wider audience and achieve a variety of marketing goals.

By combining the best of both marketing strategies, Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) marketing strategies can help businesses achieve their marketing goals more effectively.

As a business manager, if you are looking for a marketing strategy that can help you achieve a variety of marketing goals, Through-The-Line Promotion (TTL) marketing strategies may be a good option for you.