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Natural Ways to Have Nicer Skin


Having nicer skin is a dream. But. Overly stressed lifestyle, unhealthy diet and everlasting chemicals all play factors in the condition of our skin. The typical skin problems include oily skin, which becomes greasy within an hour after washing, pimples or discoloration.

Cosmetics companies keep on telling us through advertisement that in order to maintain healthy looking skin, we should be using lots of different cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, oils, lubricants, creams, sunscreens and so on. 

However, there are easier and more natural ways to have nicer skin. I recommend that we try those methods first before turning into buying artificial skin products. From my personal experience, all you need to do to have fresh, smooth and glowing skin is to follow a few simple steps. 

1. Wash your face with plain soap and warm water twice a day. Do not overuse skin-care products because many of them are not made of natural materials. Some conditioners, pomades, volumizers and styling creams contain oils or waxes that can clog pores and create acne. Simply avoid putting them on your skin.

2. Follow a healthy diet enriched with vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Vitamin K all help to keep your skin nice looking. 

  • Vitamin B, which is good for skin, hair and nails, can be found in oatmeal, eggs, rice and bananas. 
  • Vitamin C, which protects the skin against cancer, can be found in lemons, limes, oranges, bell peppers, cranberry juice or grape juice, cauliflower and leafy greens. 
  • Vitamin E, which helps to protect the skin against sun exposure, can be found in olives, spinach, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. 
  • Vitamin A, which is essential for repair of the skin tissue, can be found in cod liver oil, eggs, breakfast cereals, skim milk, orange and yellow vegetables and fruits, broccoli, spinach and most dark green leafy vegetables. 
  • Vitamin K, which helps to reduce dark circles around the eyes and bruises, can be found in leafy vegetables, dairy products, and meats such as pork and liver. 

3. Drink a lot of pure water. Most of the cells in our body are composed primarily of water. Drinking water to constantly stay hydrated is important for clear and healthy skin. Without water our skin will look dry and tight that can lead to wrinkles appearing over time. Drinking water or tea also helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body. You may also eat lots of fruits and vegetables with a high-water content, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, grapes, iceberg lettuce, celery and radishes. Do not forget to drink good quality water. 

4. Get enough sleep. If you sleep well (7-8 hours of sleep every night), you will be a real beauty. During sleep our skin repairs and renews itself replacing old cells with new cells. If you do not get enough sleep, you skin will look pale and dull the next day because blood does not circulate so well when you are tired. Lack of sleep may cause blood vessels under your skin to dilate that can lead to dark circles beneath the eyes. 

5. Exercise. A simple work out will help your skin to maintain a fresh and healthy grow by regulating the flow of oxygen. Exercise outdoors as much as possible because dry indoor air can dehydrate the skin and make fine lines more noticeable. Take a shower after exercise as soon as possible.

6. Avoid stress. Stress is a bad ass because it harms nearly every part of our bodies including skin. That is because stress increases the body’s production of hormones which can make skin oilier and decrease its ability to fight off acne-causing bacteria. To keep that frazzled feeling under control, regularly practice stress-management techniques, for example, meditation, yoga or deep breathing techniques. 

7. Quit smokingSmoking is terribly bad not only for your skin, but for every single body cell. Cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, which limits the amount of oxygen that gets to the skin, and nicotine, which reduces blood flow. Smoking disrupts the body’s absorption of nutrients such as Vitamin C, which is necessary for the skin to repair and renew itself. Smoking accelerates aging. Smokers tend to have more fine lines and wrinkles than their non-smoking counterparts.

8. Limit diary intake. If you consume a lot of milk, you are more likely to have acne. Skim milk seems to be worse than whole milk. Products made from milk, for example, yellow cheese, cottage cheese or instant breakfast drinks are also linked to acne. If you limit diary intake, make sure to get enough calcium from other food sources such as leafy greens, or consider taking a supplement.

If you want to have nicer skin, start with the natural ways first – eat more vegetables and fruits and exercise more, reduce the consumption of milk, stop using chemical cosmetics for a while, get enough sleep, quit smoking. The natural methods are simple, and I assure you that they will make your skin radiant, healthy and beautiful.