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Management Functions (1/3): According to Henri Fayol


The term functions of management refers to the roles and responsibilities of business managers.

The first perspective on the functions of management is that of Henri Fayol who identified the following five management functions such as:

  1. Planning. Managers chart the course for achieving organizational goals by defining both short-term action plans and long-term strategic visions.
  2. Commanding. Managers provide clear instructions and guidance to employees, fostering a collaborative environment that drives achievement of business objectives. Maintaining discipline involves addressing performance issues constructively and promoting a culture of compliance.
  3. Controlling. Managers assume responsibility for the well-being and performance of their teams. This includes establishing performance metrics, monitoring progress, and taking corrective actions when needed to ensure targets are met and safety is prioritized.
  4. Coordinating. Managers act as bridges between different departments, ensuring everyone works towards shared organizational goals. They foster communication, collaboration, and resource sharing to achieve collective success.
  5. Organizing. Managers strategically allocate resources, including personnel and tasks, to optimize efficiency and effectiveness in achieving corporate objectives. This involves delegating tasks effectively and ensuring deadlines are met.

Henri Fayol claimed that these functions are interconnected and should be carried out in an integrated manner. While the specific activities involved in each function may vary depending on the organization and situation, they all contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.