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Let Go of Watching TV


Let go of watching TV this month, including online TV shows/movies, Netflix, Hulu, etc.

Many people view TV (and other similar video-watching such as Netflix, online videos, watching DVDs, etc.) as a necessity. But why? It is not something people did until just 70 years ago or so. Most of human history, people survived without TV. Life was still good.

The average American watches five hours of TV a day. Many watch more than that (7–8 hours). Imagine that almost every discretionary hour of our lives are being spent zoned out in front of a screen, doing nothing but consuming. When you subtract eight hours of sleep, an hour getting ready or dressing or grooming, an hour commuting, eight hours of work, another couple hours eating and cooking, we have maybe four hours of discretionary time.

Many people can get more than four hours of TV because they do it while eating, dressing, working, or they work or sleep less.

If we have about four hours of discretionary time, we can use that watching TV (…) or being active outdoors, reading, writing, creating, spending time with our kids or other loved ones, meditating, doing yoga, working in the garden, playing music, learning a new language (…) you get the idea. TV is one of the least interesting or healthy ways to spend that spare time.

How to watch less TV?

1. This week, commit to letting go of TV/video watching. Think about what time you usually watch TV — this is now free time!

2. What is something you wish you had time for, something you have always wanted to do but have not done much of yet? Use this week to do some of that.

3. If you can, unplug the TV, take away a key cord or cable, and give it to someone else. If other people in your house are watching TV and do not want to give it up, find another place to go while they do that — in your room, outside, to the library, etc.

4. When it comes to the time you usually watch TV, spend some time enjoying what you have chosen to do. It can be immensely rewarding to spend time reading, writing, playing music, creating in some way (…) spending time with loved ones (…) going outside and being active (…) pursuing your passion (…) cooking healthy meals. Enjoy this time.

All that time you spend watching TV is a huge, huge waste of time. I do not know how much TV I have watched over the years, but it is a crapload. Hours and days and weeks I will never have back. Who cares what happens on reality TV, when reality is slipping by outside? Time is something you will never get back — do not waste it on TV. Join me, I have stopped watching TV a few year ago.