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Healthy Mornings with Lemon Water


Improving quality of life starts with pure water. So, I start each day with even healthier and more delicious variation of water – I have a cup of warm lemon water every morning.

Sometimes, if I have a surplus of limes, which I use very often in my kitchen to make salad dressings, I replace lemons with limes, or add both of them at the same time into one cup.

I drink this energizing mixture several minutes after getting out of bed early in the morning, but around one or two hours before breakfast. That drink wakes me and my stomach up super quickly.

Benefits of drinking lemon water

In the short-term, a cup of lemon water helps to flush out toxins and unwanted substances from my body, so our guts are ready for digesting new food. 

Here are a few long-term benefits of drinking a cup of warm lemon water every morning:

– Lemon water energizes your body.

– Lemon water improves your mood.

– Lemon water improves digestion.

– Lemon water boosts mineral absorption.

– Lemon water detoxifies the body.

– Lemon water freshens your breath.

– Lemon water relieves tooth pain.

– Lemon water makes you lose weight

– Lemon water cleanses your system.

– Lemon water boosts immune system.

– Lemon water promotes faster healing.

– Lemon water has anti-inflammatory effects.

– Lemon water promote clear skin.

– Lemon water balances pH.

– Lemon water prevents dehydration. 

Lemon water recipe. Simple

Make a cup of super healthy lemon water the first thing in the morning. The recipe is really simple. 

Prepare a cup of warm water. I use warm water instead of hot or cold. Hot water kills all good properties of the lemon (Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C (great for fighting colds) and Vitamin D) while cold water causes cramps and irritate stomach.

Then, add the juice of half lemon or lime. I always try to use a half of fresh lemon instead of dry lemon slices. I also cut the half lemon into chunks which I squeeze into the cup instead of slicking the lemon on the chopping board to avoid wasting any lemon juice. I always add the chunks into the warm water altogether. 

Mix. Drink slowly. Enjoy. 

I never peel the lemon but wash it carefully because for citrus fruits, the peel has even higher levels of Vitamin C than the juice.

I have been drinking lemon water every morning for years and I can see a total change in how I experience the new day. I also feel that quality of my life has significantly improved – I feel refreshed, reinvigorated and my whole body feels cleaner.