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Good Carbohydrates vs. Bad Carbohydrates


Carbohydrates are not equal, and it is very important for our health that we are aware of the difference between good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates.

Good carbohydrates

Good carbs provide our bodies with energy, nutrition, proper brain and organ functionality, as well as attractive appearance, because they are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, remove toxins and lower cholesterol levels.

The best sources of good carbohydrates are:

– Raw or lightly cooked vegetables;

– Fresh fruits;

– Beans, legumes, nuts and seeds;

– Whole grains such as brown rice;

– Low fat diary.

Bad carbohydrates

Bad carbs are not good for our health because eating too much of them will result in gaining weight and becoming unhealthy. The foods that contain them have been highly processed and loaded with high-calorie fats, artificial sweeteners, unhealthy preservatives and additives, therefore lost most of the nutritional value.

Bad carbs will make your body to store fat and lead to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity, heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. Both diabetes and obesity are skyrocketing in industrialized countries like the US or Western Europe because more and more people make poor food choices.

The list of bad carbs includes:

– Candies;

– Jelly and jams;

– Sodas, fruit juices, fruit drinks;

– Pudding and custards;

– Refined grains such as white rice;

– White bread and pasta;

– Cakes and cookies.

To live a healthy life, you should start replacing bad carbohydrates, which are full of empty calories and have no nutritional value, with good carbohydrates, which provide our bodies with nutrition and fiber. After adding more good carbs into your daily diet, you will look better, feel better, maintain a healthy weight and have more energy to do your hobbies.