This site is my online home and the place to all your questions about business management.


+86 15201658075

Contact me privately for more details in the following areas:
1. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. I can add value to your business, so you can grow the company, improve employee motivation, better manage quality of products and more. Also, I conduct corporate training to deliver knowledge and skills to CEOs, directors, managers and workers in your organization through training for both individuals and groups of employees.
2. BUSINESS RESOURCES. I build business databases, prepare the company analysis or industry overview, track down and locate any information necessary per client’s requirement.
3. BUSINESS JOURNALISM. I write and edit business articles – both business news, business feature stories and business commentaries – for newspapers and websites. Also, I write and edit blog posts, long and short pieces for business news websites, business portals and financial blogs. Additionally, I design, redesing and manage business websites and personal websites. I write Press Releases, public speeches, promotional materials, company descriptions, brochures, content for company website, PowerPoint presentations, other marketing materials to fill in your business website with content.
4. BUSINESS EDUCATION. I review college application documents such as Personal Statement, Essay, Recommendation Letters, sample answers, etc. to help my students with getting admission into the best universities in the world. I consult and develop the curriculum for universities business schools, international schools, training schools vocational schools and other organizations that teach Business Management.
5. PERSONAL FINANCE. I selectively offer financial consulting in the form of personalized private sessions. With my help, you will be able to minimize spending and increase earnings to maximize savings. So you can become financially independent and retire early. Chat sessions are conducted via video chat or a phone call.
NOTE: I receive a lot of messages from tons of people from around the world. I read almost every message. But, I cannot promise to reply to each and every one of them. Try to understand. If you want to know what keeps me so busy, check the AUTHOR‘s page.