Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are groups of employees who share a common identity or characteristic and bridge the gap between individual & organizational goals.
Organizational Network Analysis focuses on mapping relationships and communication flows within a business organization by employing data collection.
Enter Holacracy, a revolutionary organizational structure that's gaining traction for its ability to foster agility, adaptability, and employee engagement.
Mintzberg's Theory of Organizational Structure, developed by Henry Mintzberg, is a model that describes five basic configurations of organizational design.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to hybrid work, and this trend is expected to continue. What is hybrid work and why it matters?
The future of organizational structures is a fascinating topic, with many intriguing possibilities emerging from the interplay of technological advancements, shifting societal values, and evolving…
Several factors influence the choice of organizational structures, influencing how teams, departments, and decision-making power are arranged.
In the context of business, empowerment takes on a specific meaning focused on giving employees greater autonomy and control over their work.
William Whyte wrote a book called ‘The Organization Man’. He thought that ‘traditional organizations’ rewarded long service, obedience and loyalty.
So, the question is whether businesses ought to centralize or decentralize making important decisions in a firm. Here is a helpful breakdown.
Centralization and decentralization refer to the extent to which decision-making power is devolved in a business. Some companies are highly decentralized.
Centralization and decentralization refer to the extent to which decision-making power is devolved in a business. Some companies are highly centralized.
Delayering is the process where a business removes one or more levels of hierarchy of middle management from an organizational structure.
Effective delegation is one of the most important skills of modern managers. They need to delegate some of the tasks to workers in a lower level.
It is important to understand differences between these concepts in organizational structures – authority, responsibility and accountability.