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Benefits of Financial Freedom


Having a beautiful, debt-free life created as a result of staying out of debt handcuffs is the actual purpose of saving money, not stockpiling money just to see money towers rising into the air. Financial freedom is awesome!

Once you start having enough cash at your disposal, your life changes dramatically. Cash gives you an opportunity to do what you really want because you do not have to work double hard to repay what you owe. 

Instead, you spend your time and money on things that bring happiness into your life. When your debt-free life begins, and you finally start becoming financially independent, it is wise to know what exactly you can spend your money on in order to fully enjoy all the benefits of financial freedom.  

Here are some of the great things you can get, if you have ample financial resources. 

Comfortable home full of happiness

Our house or apartment should be the special place that makes us happy, the place where we feel the most comfortable and the safest in the world. 

People spend a big part of their lives at home. For example, I am an introvert person who spends most of his free time at home writing, reading, practicing happiness, cooking healthy foods and tweaking this blog full of business resources. Financial freedom will allow you to purchase your own house instead of spending thousands of dollars on rent or mortgage repayments. 

Nowadays, with easy access to beautiful interior design and fancy home accessories, creating comfortable home lifestyle is not difficult. 

Healthy life

While healthy living sometimes requires us to spend more money on healthy food, for example, fish, seafood or nuts, eating healthy does not have to be expensive after all. Healthy living is more about eliminating unhealthy products from our diets and choosing carefully what we eat every day. By being financially free you have more time to focus on your body conditions. 

Healthy living and saving money complement each other perfectly. Because when living healthy, you turn your attention away from consumptionism, window shopping and satisfying urgent wants of buying unhealthy products, for example, chocolate bars or soft drinks. You shift your attention towards getting to know yourself better, working on your body fitness, mental development and finding happiness in small things

Growth and productivity: getting better with money, time, energy, resources

Personal growth is inevitable for people who want to improve in their lives. 

Once you do not have to worry that much about cash, you can learn how to get better with different things in your life, become more productive, learn a new practical skill such as cooking or painting your new house. You start doing stuff on your own because you want to feel that you progress rather than relying on others to fix broken things. You want to take full control of what happens in your life. 

You might also want to increase productivity by spending less time, energy and resources on achieving goals, no matter if you want to be better at work or shorten the time spent on shopping. To give you some perspective, I have created standardized shopping lists for myself and when going shopping I never ever buy anything that is not on those lists. With those smart shopping reminders, I know exactly how much I would pay every time and where certain products are located around the store. It is a big challenge to stick to my lists when I see tempting Snickers bars waiting for me on the shelves.  

That is why saving money gives you a great chance to challenge yourself, not only physically, but also mentally. With high productivity, you are be able to spend extra time on things that really matter in your life, things that make you happy, but things which you neglect when working countless number of hours trying to pay your debt. Once you master saving money, you need some advice for personal growth. You might substitute watching TV which eats up your time without giving anything back with reading books which provides knowledge.


Minimalism is very appealing because once you become financially free, you do not want to surround yourself again with things which clutter your life. You do not want to buy more and more just to waste time and money on maintaining an abundant number of redundant things.

I love sharing thoughts on minimalism, simplicity, frugality and mindfulness. Because being frugal allows me to challenge myself and reduce the number of things in my possession. And that is exactly how I want to live my life. 

Mindfulness helps me to control my life and choose those things that I want to do and those things which I do not want to do every day. 

Purchasing high-quality products

Once having enough financial resources, you want to purchase responsibly. And high-quality, value-for-money products fit your new lifestyle perfectly. You will be happy using great things for years without worrying whether something breaks down after a month or two.  

Remember not to do stupid things like getting into debt, but save money patiently, so you can enjoy all the benefits of financial freedom.