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An Amazing List of 54 Moral Values to Transform Your Life


The list of moral values, which summarizes a standard for our behaviors, a code to justify decisions, intentions and actions, is a good start for those of you who really want to transform your lives into something better. 

We could get lost in stress and hurriness of our days, therefore lose track of what is right and wrong. But moral values will not disappear, despite upbringing or skin color. The good conduct has been forever ingrained in our human nature. 

Generally, a list of universal values has been created many times in the past by philosophers, spiritual and religious leaders, and university professors in various psychology, anthropology and philosophy departments. It generally includes: commitment to something greater than oneself, self-respect, respect and caring for others, caring for other living things and the environment.

I try to apply the scientific knowledge into daily situation which we all inevitably face in our lives. This long list of ‘good things to do’ can definitely guide our actions, so we can live in harmony and focus on creating something positive. 

1. Be honest with yourself and others.

2. Be trustworthy, so people can rely on you in difficult situations.

3. Do not lie about your marital status.

4. Do not cheat on your wife or husband.

5. Do not steal candies from other students.

6. Always do the right thing.

7. Be self-controlled to stay away from addictions.

8. Master your thoughts.

9. Control your emotions (especially the bad ones like anger), speech and actions.

10. Have integrity to say ‘No’ to bad actions.

11. Have courage to overcome difficulties.

12. Stand up for what is right.

13. Keep your promise.

14. Be dependable.

15. Be caring for your family.

16. Be compassionate to those who need your help.

17. Do everything to improve your quality of life.

18. Help others to do gardening.

19. Care for the environment by not throwing rubbish on the street.

20. Be fair to your students.

21. Be just when it is to evaluate your subordinates.

22. Treat others with respect.

23. Pursue excellence at school and work.

24. Always do your best no matter where you live.

25. Persevere and never give up.

26. Make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

27. Take responsibility.

28. Be accountable for your thoughts, words and actions.

29. Do not blame others for your own mistakes.

30. Have empathy.

31. See things from different perspectives.

32. Add value to the world by creating something new.

33. Acknowledge the dignity of others by not bullying shorter students.

34. Be patient when it comes to increasing your company’s sales revenue.

35. Delay gratification.

36. Enjoy the process.

37. Do no harm the animals and do not be evil.

38. Try to forgive.

39. Do not seek revenge.

40. Seek peace to avoid conflicts.

41. Compromise for the greater good.

42. Have fidelity.

43. Be faithful to universal values.

44. Enjoy the differences among people when you visit another country.

45. Respect autonomy.

46. Respect the rights of others to live their lives their way.

47. Have self-respect, so you will not regret that you did something in the past which was against your beliefs.

48. Do not harm your body, mind or soul

49. Value life because it is the most important thing you have.

50. Be open-minded.

51. Be judgmental and have your own opinion.

52. Be rational when it comes to spending money.

53. Speak universal truth rather than what you think is right.

54. Love your parents and grandparents, spouse, siblings and friends.