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Body. Mind. Soul.


Sometimes self-improvement will be painful and humiliating. Let’s take care not only of our body but also our mind and soul.

You know, it is not much fun to eat healthy food like spinach and broccoli instead of chicken burgers, contemplate about the purpose of our lives instead of going shopping and blindly falling into powers of manipulative unethical advertising, or read a smart book which requires critical thinking instead of watching another silly American action movie. 

But at the end of the day, it will be worth to self-improve because you will become a better person. 

Body. You do not need to be a professional nutritionist to eat healthy. Eat more of the following products every day: vegetables, fruits, oily fish, for example, salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and kippers, berries, pumpkin seeds, sage, nuts. Avoid over-eating and over-drinking. Stay away from junk food and sweet snacks which are nicely packaged, but do not bring anything nutritional to your body. Avoid the following products: genetically modified food, too much white rice and wheat flours, too much coffee, sugary sodas, any alcohol except red wine, processed, packaged or canned food, frozen foods, pasteurized cow milk, deep fried food and microwaving meals. Try to exercise every day, so you can stay healthy for many years and would not need to visit a doctor and pay costly medical bills. Quitting smoking will be the best gift for the start of a new year you can ever give yourself and the people you love.

Mind. In order to keep your mind sharp, you should read lots of books and magazines. By having a sharp mind, you can figure things out more effectively and make wiser decisions. Try to remember as many things as possible on daily basis, e.g. bus schedules, birthday dates of your family members, distance between two cities. Try different things to find your special talent and develop in that area. Write more, instead of talking, if you have problems with self-expressing yourself. Continue learning even though you are not at school. Use your mind to total up numbers instead of using a calculator. Learn from your own mistakes, gain life experience from everything you do. 

Soul. Do not underestimate your soul on your path to self-improvement. Focus only on the things that are the most important in your life. Try to do less every day. Relax your mind. Keep an open heart without having too much unrealistic expectations. Declutter and clean your apartment to make things as easy as possible. Dream big, but find happiness in small things. Build up patience to overcome anxiety when things do not go the way you have expected. Try not to analyze everything in details, but have faith that things will turn out positive. Always look at the bright side of your daily experiences.

Well-being encompasses all parts of our lives, but finding the right balance between keeping both body, mind and soul fairly satisfied is difficult. Because we are all humans and have our weaknesses. When our emotions are out of order, our mind will be attacked by obsessive thoughts that can negatively influence our health. 

That is why, it is so essential to remember about balance in order to nurture our physical, mental and spiritual needs to develop as the whole person.