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High Quality of Life Is Not About Buying More Stuff


Here are some truths about quality of life. Almost every day on Television, radio and the Internet we are exposed to arguments that in order to have better lives, we need to buy more and more stuff.

People tend to believe in what they hear from other people, especially those whose faces look familiar such as football players, actresses, pop music stars, etc. The reason why you see so many ‘famous’ people in the TV commercials is that we subconsciously trust others, even though we know as a fact that celebrities get paid for saying only good things about promoted products – they are paid to either introduce the product, recommend it or remind you that it still exists. That is the purpose of promotion.

Many women very often ask on the Internet forums which particular cosmetics they should use to have beautiful skin. They erroneously assume from the very beginning that in order to be beautiful, using cosmetics is inevitable. But what if you want to look nice without buying expensive facial creams and lipsticks? Is it even possible?

If you want to have gorgeous skin, prepare masks from fruits and vegetables, for example, fresh cucumbers are great for the face skin. Also, if you eat healthy every day and do not to overuse make-up, your skin will naturally look more beautiful

Lately, the largest personal care companies in the world compete against each other in the production of cosmetics made from natural ingredients, for example, seaweed or tropical fruits. Why don’t you start using these natural ingredients to create home-made cosmetics that can give you similar results?

The advertising industry makes people believe that in order to feel happy, we must own a bigger car, buy more clothes and drink only sodas instead of water. But, in fact, we do not have to fall for unethical marketing gimmicks all the time – we can be more mindful. How to do it?

Do not buy unnecessary things on impulse just because of their availability in the store. When shopping, always ask yourself whether the product you are about to buy will make you both happy and healthy – yes, you should buy stuff that makes you happier in the long-term and healthier because it is money well-spent. Be smarter and decide what you want your life to be.

What is the way to find happiness without consumerism? You might ask yourself after reading all this. Is there a way to live a high-quality life without constantly buying more stuff? 

1. First, slow down. Then, contemplate. Think about what brought you the greatest joy in the last 12 months. Be honest with yourself about the moments in your life when you were truly happy. For example, if you are happy riding a bike, start biking more often; if you like reading books, visit the library at least once a week (borrowing books is free of charge); if you like cooking, spend more time in the kitchen and invite friends over for dinner; if you like some people more than others, hang out with your real friends. 

2. Second, do not let others persuade you that you should not be doing your favorite things because of your age. Do not constantly worry what others think about you because other people will not consider your opinions when they are about to make important decisions. Focus more on yourself, and invest time and effort in doing good things for your family and true friends. But do not be an egoist and help others when the help is needed. Pay attention to health, relationships, positive thinking, learning something new, as these are critical aspects for achieving quality of life.

Remember that each of us has his or her own preferences. We do not have to like everything and everyone equally. There is no need either to possess every single thing that was ever manufactured. 

Empty consumerism helps to fulfill short-term urges for happiness, but it rarely brings long-term satisfaction. When too much attention is given to buying too many products, people forget to focus on making sure that the things they really need in their lives (food, pure water, clothes, house/apartment) are of the highest quality. 

In South America many street vendors stop selling products once they have earned enough money to buy enough food to survive until tomorrow. While the Japanese came up with great tools for quality management to save time on production and reducing unnecessary waste. 

Because the secret to achieving high quality of life is not about buying more. It is about choosing what truly matters and eliminating unnecessary things that do not matter.