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New Technology in Production Process


Recently, there has been a move towards more modern production methods that use new technology to produce products.

Technology has changed not only the way goods are manufactured, but also the way how services are provided to consumers. More and more new technologies that are being used in the production process today.

Examples of new technology in the production process

There are many new technologies that are being used in the production process today. Here are some specific examples of how new technologies are being used in the production process today:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is being used to automate tasks, improve quality control, and optimize production processes. For example, AI-powered robots can now perform complex tasks such as welding and assembly with greater accuracy and consistency than human workers. AI is also being used to develop new products and materials, and to improve the efficiency of supply chains. In the automotive industry, AI is being used to develop self-driving cars and to optimize the production process. For example, AI-powered robots are now being used to weld and assemble car bodies with greater accuracy and consistency than human workers.
  • Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices are being used to collect data from machines and equipment throughout the production process. This data can then be analyzed to identify patterns and trends, which can help manufacturers to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and predict potential problems. For example, IoT sensors can be used to monitor the temperature and vibration of machines to identify potential maintenance issues before they cause downtime. Many large electrical home appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers and TV sets have built in technologies that diagnose faults and automatically update software to fix any bugs. Using common banking services such as cash deposits, cash withdrawals and moving money between different accounts is instantly done these days with the aid of computer systems.
  • 3D printing. 3D printing is being used to create prototypes and custom parts for a wide range of industries. This technology is particularly useful for creating complex parts that would be difficult or expensive to manufacture using traditional methods. For example, 3D printing is being used to create custom medical implants, automotive parts, and aerospace components. In the aerospace industry, 3D printing is being used to create custom parts for aircraft. For example, 3D printing is being used to create custom fuel nozzles and engine components.
  • Digital twins. A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or system. Digital twins are being used to simulate and optimize production processes before they are implemented in the real world. This can help manufacturers to identify and troubleshoot potential problems, and to optimize their processes for efficiency and quality. For example, digital twins are being used to optimize the production of aircraft and automobiles. In the medical device industry, digital twins are being used to design and optimize the production of new medical devices. For example, digital twins are being used to simulate the performance of new heart valves and pacemakers before they are implanted in patients.

Is new technology good for businesses and people?

The main advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the production process to businesses, workers and consumers include the following aspects.


Advantages of new technology for businesses include:

  1. Reductions in time to design and produce new products.
  2. Reductions in costs of production.
  3. Increased productivity levels.
  4. Improvements in quality.
  5. Less waste.

Disadvantages of new technology for businesses include:

  1. Expensive to introduce new technology into the business.
  2. Need to update technology to remain competitive when technology becomes obsolete.
  3. Increased costs of training workers.


Advantages of new technology for consumers:

  1. Higher quality products.
  2. Lower prices of products.
  3. Availability of products with more features which are easier to produce.

Disadvantages of new technology for consumers:

  1. The need to buy products again as they become out-of-date faster.
  2. Expansive to repair highly advanced products when faulty.

The advantages of new technology are usually greater than the disadvantages for both businesses and consumers. But, for workers it is much less clear. While for some workers the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages, for others who lose their jobs as a result of the introduction of new technology, the disadvantages are clearly greater.


Advantages of new technology for workers:

  1. Simple and repetitive tasks that workers find boring can be completed by machines.
  2. Employment opportunities from the development and manufacture of new technology products.
  3. Work is easier with the aid of technology.
  4. Higher job security resulting from an increased chance of success of the  business that uses latest technology.

Disadvantages of new technology for workers:

  1. Possible redundancies as the new for workers is reduced.
  2. Work can become less interesting.
  3. Limited opportunities for promotion within smaller workforce.

In summary, production methods have changed dramatically in recent decades in both goods manufacturing and service provision.

This is meanly because cheaper and cheaper digital technology has made possible the application of Information Technology (IT) throughout a typical production department. As technologies continue to develop, we can expect to see even more innovation and transformation in the manufacturing industry.