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Staff Development


Employee training and staff development are very similar to one another and involve pretty much the same activities, but there are slight differences to these two terms.

While training workers is a short-term approach of instructing staff on performing the tasks of their current job, staff development is a long-term approach of developing employees. So, that they have the skills and competences to cope with all aspects of the job both now and in the future.

Staff development is considered as an investment in one of the company’s most valuable asset.

What is Staff Development?

Staff development is also known as professional development. Development is the process of enabling an employee realize their full potential.

Staff development involves any activity that enhances the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. It can be formal or informal, and it can be conducted in-house or externally.

Staff development is usually based on an agreed development plan between members of staff and their line manager which typically covers a number of several shorter-term training events.

Types of Staff Development activities

There are many different types of staff development activities. It may well involve a combination of on-the-job and off-the-job training:

  • Seminars and workshops.
  • Conferences and trade shows.
  • Online courses.
  • Mentorship programs.
  • Coaching.
  • Reading and research.
  • Self-directed learning.

Staff development plans are normally planned and agreed on an annual basis and updated each year. However, many business organizations these days have standard development plans which several employees may follow, such as management development.

Benefits of Staff Development

Staff development can be beneficial for both employees and employers. For employees, it can help them to improve their skills and knowledge, which can lead to career advancement and higher salaries. For employers, it can help to improve employee productivity, morale, and retention.

Here are some of the benefits of staff development:

  • Increased employee knowledge and skills
  • Improved employee performance
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Increased employee satisfaction
  • Enhanced company culture
  • Improved customer service
  • Increased innovation
  • Increased profitability

How to implement Staff Development programs?

There are many different ways to implement staff development programs. The best approach will vary depending on the needs of the organization and the employees. However, some general tips for implementing staff development programs include:

  • Make sure that the programs are aligned with the organization’s goals.
  • Tailor the programs to the needs of the employees.
  • Provide opportunities for feedback and evaluation.
  • Make the programs accessible and affordable.
  • Promote the programs to employees.

Examples of Staff Development activities

Here are some examples of staff development activities:

  • A software company provides its employees with training on a new software application.
  • A hospital offers its nurses continuing education courses on new medical procedures.
  • A retail store provides its sales associates with training on how to use a new point-of-sale system.
  • A law firm offers its associates mentorship programs with experienced attorneys.
  • A school district provides its teachers with professional development opportunities on how to use technology in the classroom.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of staff development activities that can be offered. The specific activities that are most appropriate will vary depending on the needs of the organization and the employees.

In summary, staff development is an important investment for any organization that wants to improve its performance. By providing employees with opportunities to learn and grow, organizations can create a more skilled and engaged workforce that is better able to meet the challenges of the future.