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What Do We Really Need?


Many people tend to surround themselves with objects, too many objects. But is that what they really need?

They buy more and more stuff, not always of the highest quality, which they use only a couple of times a year, while some other things they only use once or twice. Well, money not well-spent though.

After a while, they might decide to declutter their house or apartment where they live in. 

They will sell or throw away the things they had bought (and not used for a while) often finding them no longer useful. Other things that they think may be possibly useful in the future, or have some emotional value to them, they pack in brown boxes and store at the attic, in the basement or in the garage. 

It is true that we simply do not need so much stuff in our lives. And, if we really need to use something once or twice, why do not we borrow it for a day or a week?

Now let’s look at the things that we really need in our lives: 

  1. Food and water. Without eating and drinking, we will not survive for more than several days. That is why paying attention to what we drink and eat is extremely important. I often drink pure water, lemon or lime water, or green tea for hydration. To live a healthy life, eat many vegetables, fruits and nuts because most of those products are highly nutritional. Try to stay away from processed canned food, sweets and soft drinks to remain healthy.
  2. Clothes. We need to cover our bodies to stay warm, to stay alive in cold weather. I prefer to choose only high-quality clothes – simple, smartly designed and made out of natural materials like cotton, leather and wool. I usually do not buy clothes with oversized logos or too colorful. I stick to whites, grays, blacks and dark blues when it comes to my favorite color pallet.
  3. Accommodation. We need to feel safe and we need a safe place for our family to live in. Remember that the house or apartment you are about to buy will serve not only you, but also your spouse, children at different ages, parents and maybe even grandparents as in certain countries several generations live under one roof. Think about how big your apartment should be, so both you and your family members can feel comfortable, while at the same time not feel lost and isolated, if the place is too big. If you really need to take a mortgage, make sure that you are and you will be financially able to pay off your debt – cut your coat according to your cloth. Do not buy accommodation which you do not like (unless you really have to because of limited finance), is not safe or the seller seems dishonest. If you do business with honest people only, it will benefit you in the long-term perspective.

As you can see, there are only four things which we really need to purchase throughout our lives which include food, water, clothes and shelter – a house or apartment. No matter where, you should always try to make sure that those basic things are of high quality. And, that you do not buy these in the excessive amounts than what you really need at the certain moment in life.