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8 Steps to Start Eating Healthier


This is the instruction how to start eating healthier:

1. Pick one or two things in your daily diet that you want to change. If you cut out unhealthy food, replace it with something healthy.

2. Every week try something new and healthy, and incorporate it permanently into your weekly menu.

3. Cut out fried fatty foods, for example, burgers, hot dogs and pizzas, and food that is too sugary, e.g. soft drinks, donuts, candies, chocolate bars. Eat them very sporadically.

4. Eat slower and smaller portions to give your stomach a necessary break.

5. Eat more often throughout the day – five meals a day would be perfect.

6. Pack healthy snacks to take with you instead of eating out, e.g. fruits and vegetables. 

7. Carefully plan for meals, and be mindful what you eat. 

8. Set long-term goals and do not expect quick results because becoming healthier takes time, lots of time.