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8 Extremely Simple Things to Live By


Finding a few important things to live by is not always an easy process. 

It is more like a journey of discovering who we are and what truly matters in our lives, for example, making a choice of going to the theater to experience sophisticated performance instead of watching the next American action movie, or buying clothes made out of natural materials rather than artificial polyester.

Living by principles is about having integrity and courage to reject bad things and making reasonable choices while sticking to it fully.

If you are interested in living more meaningful life, I am sharing with you a short list of things that I try to follow every day. It is not always simple to fulfill all of them, but I know that, if I do stick to this list, I will live a high-quality life. And, that is one of my life goals.

1. Think positively, but not naively.

2. Exercise every day or every second day.

3. Eat healthy.

4. Work smartly and do what makes you satisfied.

5. Stay strong physically, morally and mentally.

6. Worry less about the things that you cannot control.

7. Love more often.

8. Be happy with small things.

I know that when sticking to my instincts, I will be able to refuse doing things that are not essential, find inner peace instead of living in chaos of the modern world and do only things that make me happy instead of wasting time on miscellaneous experiences.

The older I get, the more life experiences I have, therefore the more power I have to decide how to do certain things. And, I never ever want to waste that gift. 

Because happiness is all about the process, and nothing about material possessions. Once we learn to do and live by only good things, at the end of the day, we can bring out the best in ourselves.