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7 Ways to Save Money on Learning and Education


Starting a new hobby or learning a new skill can be very expensive for many of us. Going to a language school to learn a foreign language, purchasing new books in the bookstore or an eBook online can easily drain our budgets

However, if you think about it more carefully, there are limitless options to gain new knowledge for free or cheap, without giving up on something that is interesting to you. Here are just a few examples of how not to break your piggy bank, but still learn something new and useful.

1. Watch educational videos on YouTube. Regardless of the field you want to increase your knowledge in, the Internet offers a lot of free information today. For example, expensive yoga, Tai Chi classes or sales training can often be replaced by free seminars and lectures available for free on YouTube. You can also take advantage of free tools the Internet offers by downloading videos from YouTube as MP3 files. Then, you can listen to those videos on the way to work or while responsibly shopping for groceries to fully use your time. Do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!

2. Learn a foreign language on the Internet. In general, by watching language classes on YouTube and finding a SKYPE buddy, you can start conversations in a foreign language with almost anyone in the world. The Internet definitely gives us a great opportunity for learning foreign languages.

3. Read eBooks. If you happen to buy a lot of books, purchase them in the form of an eBook. Electronic versions of your favorite books are often way cheaper than paper books. You can check my eBooks in the SHOP.

4. Learn a new language as a group. If you know anyone who wants to learn the same language as you do, it is a good idea to get together at the same time of the week and hire a private teacher without any intermediaries. Then, you split the price. 

5. Use time efficiently by listening to audiobooks podcasts. Listening to audio books and podcasts while conducting other activities, for example, sports, driving a car, taking public transportation or doing household chores allows you to do two things at the same time taking advantage of the time you spend on those mundane activities.

6. Explore magazine subscriptions. Many newspapers and magazines offer free trail periods. You can use them to read more during that time. 

7. Buy group tickets. Very often a group of ten to 20 people has the privilege of purchasing discounted tickets to theaters, museums or art exhibitions. Also, you have more bargaining power to negotiate discounts as a group, or to get one extra ticket for free.