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7 Ways to Save Money on Clothes


Check how to save money on clothes, so you can afford the wardrobe full of clothes and the wallet full of money, both at the same time.

1. Do not buy new clothes until you get rid of the old ones. Waiting until your clothes are worn off will not only save you cash, but will also help to efficiently clean your wardrobe. Every time when you buy a new piece of clothing, get rid of the old one. You can also give away clothes to those in needy, or swap with your friends.

2. Buy off season. Buy winter clothes in summer, and summer clothes in winter. If you live in a country with summer and winter seasons, you can try to buy winter boots, winter jackets, gloves or scarves earlier in summer, unless you live somewhere in the South-East Asia or other tropical regions where people never see snow. Winter may be a great time to buy swimsuits or shorts. 

3. Sell unnecessary items. Organize a garage sale or use eBay to sell online clothes which became too small or too big in order to quickly get extra cash.

4. Use retail outlets wisely. For certain products, second-hand stores may not always be cheaper than retail outlets of multi-national clothing companies. Sometimes you can buy many discounted things like T-shirts and jeans for as much as half of the original price. Clothing stores will usually begin huge sales after major holidays like Christmas or New Year’s Eve in Europe, North America and Australia, and The Chinese New Year in China.

5. Unfollow the trends. Many young people purchase only new clothes because they want to be fashionable. And, buying new clothes every couple of months to follow the newest trends can be very expensive. Try to stay away from buying the newest collections, if you are on the mission to save money.

6. Look for clothes with a small defect. When in the department store, try to look for clothes, which have some problems like pants with crooked zipper or shirts without one button. Then, ask the shopping assistant for a discount. A small damage like this can be easily fixed it home.

7. Visit second-hand stores. You can buy really great clothes out there for extremely low prices. Sometimes, you can also grab many branded products which someone wore only once or twice, but then threw away just because this person wanted to stay trendy. You can get not only jeans or sweaters in the second-hand stores, but also suits, coats and ties. Happy hunting!