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4 Steps to Have a Flat Stomach for Free


I am not a professional athlete, and this recipe for having a flat stomach and nice stomach may not be appropriate for people who do sports for a living. They have already had flat stomachs as ‘the side effect’ of their careers in professional sport. 

I am just a regular guy who works out a couple of times a week either at the gym or outdoors, depending on the amount of free time that I have. But with hard work and consistency, I have been able to achieve my fitness goals – became slimmer, leaner and have a flat stomach. 

I do exercise regularly because it keeps my body healthy and makes me happier while I enjoy staying outdoors in the nature as much as I can.  Many of us want to have flat abdomens, so we can feel better every day, look good going out for a date or be healthier to enjoy our lives longer

But, very often, many of us end up thinking that being fit requires spending a fortune on buying sophisticated gym equipment, consuming dietary supplements or subscribing to expensive workout DVD programs. That is not entirely true.  

How to have flat stomach? A simple recipe 

When you follow these 4 single steps to have a flat stomach, which are totally free and will not cost you a cent, you will see your efforts paying back – you will be slimmer in no time.  There is not any magic in having beautiful muscular abdomen. What you really need to do in order to have a flat stomach with six-pack abs, is to keep exercising regularly for 30-60 minutes each time. 

In fact, at least 30 minutes of exercise is better for weight loss than longer workouts because when you work for too long, you will be extremely tired, crave for more sweet food afterwards and become demotivated to work out again the next day. Shorter exercise gives you more energy and keeps you motivated to live healthier lifestyle and keep a healthy diet. 

All you need to do to have a flat stomach is listed below: 

1. Cardio exercises. If you are overweight having a lot of fat around your waist, fight the excessive fat first before you even start exercising your abdominal muscles. Start with cardio (aerobic) exercises which are intense. They will make you sweat heavily, for example, medium and long distance running or jogging, swimming, cycling, jumping jacks, hiking, Nordic walking, cross country ski running, climbing the stairs, cross training. Cardio exercises accelerate metabolism, so remember to practice more than just a few minutes for metabolism to begin working. Your body will start burning fat after around 30 minutes.

2. Less fat and sweet food. Do not eat fatty and sweet foods like most North Americans do. Fat and sugar is the main cause of obesity in the United States where fried chicken and sodas dominated the diets of millions of people for years. Say ‘No!’ to soft drinks and junk food. Instead, eat turkey, skinless chicken breast, fish and seafood, as well as lots of vegetables and some fruits. Do not starve yourself to death. If you starve for a few weeks, your body will be exhausted, and it will finally want to bounce back. So, after a while, you will end up eating large amounts of food to compensate for the past starvations and end up with the yo-yo effect – you will be even fatter than before.

3. Give yourself time. Having a flat stomach will not just happen after a month or two. Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint. After all, gaining weight took you a long time, didn’t it? Gradual weight loss over longer period of time is much better than shocking hunger strikes because it helps your body to slowly adjust to new conditions. Also, any quick but not gradual changes in your body are not that healthy after all.

4. Abs exercises. Doing abs workout before losing belly fat does not make any sense. It will only bring discouragement because you will not immediately see desired results. Once you get rid of excessive belly fat after intense cardio exercises, you can begin to practice abs exercises for six-pack abs to appear. Exercise your abdominal muscles a couple of times every week. And, remember to practice not only the upper muscles but also the side and lower abs.

In short, all you need to do to have a flat stomach is not to spent a fortune on buying expensive food or gym membership, but to change your lifestyle gradually – start eating healthier and exercising regularly. As simple as that. Here are 6 Best Stomach Exercises For A Flat Tummy At Home.