This article is about my investment principles which are fairly simple. It is all about making safe investments for my money and stable growth.
Posts published in January 2024
Mass production (flow production) means producing a large volume of standardized products in a continuously moving process using a production line.
I have finally managed to simplify and visualize The Wealth Building Machine boiling down the whole process of growing Net Worth to just one page.
Batch production means producing a limited number of identical products in batches. Products in separate groups go through the whole production process together.
If you want to sit in the shadow of passive income in the future, you need to plant an investment tree today! Here are my sources of active and passive income.
Job production means producing individual one-off items one at a time especially designed for the customer. Creating a customized tailor-made product.
My wife and I have been tirelessly growing the wealth snowball for the last 15 year to build high Net Worth, or our family wealth.
Technological innovations in production involve applying the work of scientists and business researchers to develop new products, processes and solutions.
A change in production method can be caused by numerous reasons. Internal and external factors can push a company to change production methods.
Should you own your home or rent? In my opinion, home ownership is everything. It just makes a lot of sense to own your own house.
One of the most important production decisions is the choice of production method and the factor inputs. What factors will influence the choice?
This article describes my family's assets and liabilities which are two major components of every Balance Sheet. Here are is my family's Balance Sheet.
A production system in which all production operations are controlled by computers. Producing product relies heavily on automated production systems.
Best way to 'follow big money' is to develop your own investment or trading strategy based on your risk tolerance, goals, and knowledge.
Business Process Management (BPM) is a disciplined approach to improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and agility of business processes.
‘The borrower is always a slave to the lender’. I refuse to be that slave. Living without borrowing money and being in debt helps me sleep well.