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11 Ways to Save Money on Entertainment


Despite the fact that spending on entertainment is not usually a big part of our monthly budgets, I prepared a few tips which will help all of you party animals, fitness freaks and bookworms to save money on your favorites hobbies.

1. Find cheaper ways to entertain yourself. Go out and try new outdoor activities during the summertime instead of going to costly amusements parks or cinemas. Start doing new sports, for example, running, biking or hiking which are either free or really cheap. You will also find free outdoor events like concerts, street performances or bake sales in many cities.

2. Read magazines in bookstores. We very often buy a magazine only to read one or two articles and then put it aside. In order to do so, you do not even need to buy that magazine. Visit your local bookstore and take the advantage, but make sure than you do not destroy or make any pages dirty. 

3. Use the library. Especially when you have already had children. Libraries have lots of books which are free to read and borrow. Personally, I think that this is the best way to save on entertainment. I love libraries!

4. Exchange books with friends. Instead of buying new books, swap some titles with your friends who probably have lots of great books at home too. 

5. Invite friends to your home instead of hanging out in the downtown. Throw a small birthday party, host a barbecue or organize a pool party for your friends instead of hanging out in costly restaurants and bars in the city center. 

6. Stop collecting stuff. Think about whether you really need all of those stamps, hats, magazines or high-heels. Is collecting something your real hobby or just an old habit?

7. Do not spend a fortune on children. Instead, go out and play hide and seek with them. 

8. Use smaller, less popular sport facilities. If you go to the gym or swimming pool, try to look for smaller estates because they are usually more flexible and may be more willing to negotiate the price. 

9. Buy a long-term gym membership. If you pay for a couple of years in advance, you can also get lower prices. The longer your gym membership is, the lower the price.

10. Come up with creative gifts. Make your own gifts, for example, bake a cake, prepare a scrapbook, paint a picture instead of buying expensive presents in the store. 

11. Do not go to the movies on weekends. Because on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, you will pay the highest price for cinema tickets. You can watch YouTube too.